Exodus 15

One of the famous stories in the bible is the life of Moses. Everyone knows how He ended up in the Princess’ household, how he was called by God, how he performed miracles, and how he lead the Israelites through the Red Sea. But what about what happened after they had passed the Red Sea? 

Little knew this part of Moses’ life because mostly are stuck on what happened to that “sea”. Exodus 15 stated that while God was punishing the Egyptians by letting the waters swallow the Pharoah’s horses,  chariots,  and horsemen, Moses headed the Israelites into WORSHIP. They sang to the Lord for He brought them victory.  The women took their tambourines and begun dancing while Miriam sung to them. 

We often forget how worship through songs and dance is important. It is far more than moving and producing sound. Worship is a declaration for/to God. It is a way of welcoming the Holy Spirit. 

I remeber how I think of worship back then. “God are you too self-centered to ask me for worship? ” I rebuke myself for asking Him that. However,  God won’t allow me to be dumb about this topic

Worship is a way for you to express your love for Me.  That you appreciate everything that I am doing for you. 

I cried big time then and I am crying now as I am writing this. 

Worship in Happiness. Worship in sadness.  Worship in sadness.  Worship in victory.  Worship everywhere. Worship aloud  and in silence

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